ok giuys..lets start bout melbourne's trip.. kami pegi on the 17th may..flight pkul 9.20 pagi..
tapi kami sampai quite early 7am..and guess what?!!!!nk check in tu,que nye,ya Allah panjang sangat!!!sebab morning flight,jadi congested la skit airport tu..kami sampai2,aya tak sampai lagi..dia dgn ehem2 nye still on the way..nk tau sape ehem2 nye? u will know by the end of this entry..
nak tau tak diorg tgh tgk ape? CERITA KOREA. diorg ni kan, kat mane2 pun korea nye influence memang tak boleh lepas la..haish....
nak tau tak mcm manu rupe en.ehem2 aya tu?
hehehehehehehe...ni lah dia..dia yang antar aya pegi airport..nama dia.. ZUM.hahahahahaha..there u go.i mentioned his name..jgn marah aya.. ;)
kami sampai melbourne roughly pkul 7 time melbourne..sampai2 je terus peluk fana..tak sempat nk amik gambar sebab kesejukan..its 15 deg kott!!!!
sebelum sampai rumah,kitorg singgah kt sahara beli garlic prawn pizza..and guess what, because i was too exhausted,still i was hungry, i had too many pizzas..and sampai aku muak and dah tak makan pizza kat malaysia..to even say the word prawn pun aku dah tak nak dah..uWEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!nak muntah tau..hish.,tu la..ikut nafsu makan tu sangat..
ok,next entry will be about puffing billy... ;)
in the meantime,enjoy the pics..
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