for the first time ever i was TAGGED!
it was by nurul, my bestie..
so here we go:
1.What is the most important thing in your life?
my family.that means my angels = my sisters.
2.What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
my savings consider my own money kn? beli brg dapur for raya.
3.Where do you wish to get married?
my home sweet home.=)
4.How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
i wish till death do us apart.
5.Are you in love?
ermm...yes and no. :D
6.Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Secret Recipe
7.Name the latest book that you bought?
i forgot.
8.What is your full name?
Nur Syazwani Rosli
9.Do you prefer your mother or father?
oh please.never ask me to choose.the answer is both. =)
10.Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Fezrul Khan.hahahaha.
11.Christina or Britney? wait.maybe christina.she's honest.
12.Do you do your own laundry?
absolutely! klau tak sape plak nk buatkan..huhu
13.The most exciting place you want to go?
14.Hugs or kisses?
15.8 things I am passionate about .
my car.
my sisters.
my lappy.
gossips. hehehe
16.8 things I say too often
tapi gak..
benci betul..
yerla tuh..
apehal kau?!!! (ni time klau driver lain buat hal..hehe)
sakit betul ati aku..
17.8 books I’ve read recently
8?!! currently is La Tahzan.
18.8 songs I could listen to over and over again
better in time
bleeding love
terima kasih cinta
kejujuran hati
cinta ini membunuhku
i kissed a girl
19.8 things I learned last year
to be more patient.
to respect others.
appreciate those who really care bout you.
banyak lagi..
20.Tag 8 people
kak wiznie
anyone who read my blog =) if any la.hehe
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
tag you.tag me.
Monday, September 29, 2008
no idea where to start.
it hurts all of us.mostly her.
tapi kita harus menerimanya.for it is what Allah has decided for us.
Nothing is best except what Allah has decided for us.
i must say i`ve learnt a lot from what had happen.
byk yg masih tak terungkap.
tapi Allah itu Maha Mengetahui.
My pray for him and her.
His kindness and her cheekyness will remain in our heart.
and to my dearest aya,be strong.
aku akan sentiasa bersama matter what.
i will always be by your side as how u had always do the same to me.
dalam apa jua keadaan.
Ya Rabb, kuatkan hatinya.semangatnya.imannya.nuraninya.dalam menghadapi dugaan Mu ini.
Al-fatihah buat mereka.Amin.
"Barangsiapa yang oleh Allah dikehendaki menjadi baik maka ia akan diuji
oleh-Nya." (Al Hadits)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
buka puasa with mint's friends at Flaming Steambot,Sunway..
13 september 2008
Pre-Grad Photography Session Class of 2008
aku memang slow.hehehehehe..kejadian ni dah lama..tapi aku baru nak update sekarang..hehehe..
busy la guys..
so aku update ikut date la ek..hehehe
meanwhile,enjoy the pics!
12 september 2008
hari ni on schedule is pre-grad photography session Class of 2008 AIKOL (batch 041 & 042)..mula2 tu tu aku malas jugak nk pegi since im not graduating this semester...but thinking that my friends are and probably this is the only chance left to take photos all of us wearing a proper law student dress (ape lagi,black and white la..hehe),i agreed..hehehe
we did it before buka puasa..around 4.30pm..but started quite late..
penat2 puasa pun tak terasa..siap ade pose2 terbang2 lagi..haha
it was fun!!!
how fun it was? LOOK at the pictures.. :>
ketuk dia!
back row from left to right: fit.ME.axwa.fana.yati.ina.elina.ijo
front row from left to right: disya.kak narz.hied.aya
and the result is.....
Friday, September 12, 2008
saya tak suka apa yang awak buat.sudah2 lah.
bulan2 puasa ni saya tak nak lah mengeluh banyak.
tapi klau benda dah slalu jadi, takkan saya nak berdiam diri saja?
kenapa saya tak berdepan dengan dia saja?
sebab nya..NO POINT.
im tired.i really am.tired of being overshadowed by others.
tak perlu kerja saya di war war kan satu dunia.
tapi tak perlu lah anda mengambil kredit di atas kerja orang lain.
saya cuma mahu dihargai.tak perlu pujian.
tapi biarlah.saya tahu apa yang saya buat.oh.tak perlu curi ayat saya dan menjadikan nya seolah-olah datang dari anda.
entry yg pedas tapi tak pedas sangat.i know.
but at the end of the day, awak tahu apa yang awak telah buat.kan?fikirkan lah.
p/s: im totally FINE. :)