setakat ni bos saya baik.
slalu bagi kerja itu tandanye dia percaya kita.good as of now.
legal assistant pun baik.sbb dia kawan saya di uia dulu.hehe.
terima kasih encik hazwan.
walau baru 2 hari bekerja bersama anda, banyak benda yang saya pelajari.
saya berharap saya dapat belajar lebih banyak lagi daripada anda.
kakak a.k.a para legal di ofis saya pun baik dan cool.
ade seorang gadis a.k.a admin clerk pun sgt baik.
orang kata too early to judge.
tapi setakat ini, saya bersyukur.
bersyukur mendapat bos yang baik.
bersyukur mendapat legal assistant yang baik.
bersyukur mendapat para legal yang baik.
bersyukur mendapat rakan sekerja yang baik.
p/s utk diri sendiri : wanie,sila bersyukur.jika masih alpa,tak tau la nak kata mcm mana lagi.
: sila rajin kan diri anda.
:sila teliti dalam semua perkara.sebab saya baru sedar(ok tak sepatutnya tapi saya ingat saya tak macam ni) bahawa saya ni agak kurang teliti.nk cepat je sume benda.mane boleh bai. :)
alhamdulillah saya masih mampu untuk senyum. :)) selebar-lebarnya.
saya harap walau ade obstacles yg melanda selepas ini, saya masih boleh untuk senyum.walaupun senyum tak ikhlas. hehe
entry ini agak merapu.tapi ia isi hati what!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
entry tak siap
sambil tunggu laundry siap, aku duduk di sini.
bertanya pada diri.mengimbau kembali.2009.
well, it might be too early untuk mengulas 2009.tapi dengan apa yg telah dilalui, rasenyer cukup untuk menjadi topik entry kali ni.
sebagaimana tahun2 yang lepas, 2009 byk mengajar aku.
tentang hidup.
tentang moving on.
tentang persahabatan.
tentang pelajaran.
tentang adik-adik.
tentang keluarga.
but dalam2 byk yg diajar, friendship has its own lessons.tonnes of lesson.
menangis jugak bila fikirkan bout it.
menangis jugak bila tulis bout it.
i need to stop here.
tak boleh dah.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
saya di sini. =)
lamenyer ta hupdate.
sekarang ni kat uia..
kt itd lab.and for the 1st time ever i can use my own account to access the internet.
YES.after 4 years baru boleh pakai.damn.i wasted rm25 every semester mcm tu je sbb tak boleh pakai internet kat lab! dah boleh pakai kan? :)
im waiting for the finance office to re-open.
sekarang tgh lunch hour.
i need to submit the bank's slip.
klau tak sampai ke sudah la tak boleh nak check result.
sebenarnyer, last october dah bayar dah tuition fee.
tapi slip tu aku hilangkan.tak ingat letak mane.
so tadi pegi bank request for copy of the slip.
and since the transaction was in october, they said 'berzaman' sikit la nak cari slip tu.
i ended up had to pay another rm1200 for this semester fees.damn.amik 3 subjek jer tapi fee can ape je.again my fault.sape suruh xtend.
despite all the not-so-good news,i got good news jugak! :)
i got an an attachment student..
this is my 1st interview ever in my life..
before this mmg la pernah attached to firm and organisation,tapi tu sume automatic dapat without having to go thru any interviews sbb its under aikol.
but this attachment i cari sendiri with the help of my kakak angkat,kak jije( thank you akak).
dapat tak dapat belum tentu lagi.
tapi dah tentu la aku berharap dapat.
its the experience that i wanna earn.
payless pun desperate jer.
tapi klau tak dpat takpe..
im ok with it..
rezeki bukan urusan kita. :)
serius perut lapar sambil buat entry tapi segan nak pegi makan sensorang kt uia ni especially dekat hs cafe sbb tak biasa pegi sana sorang2 and takut jugak terserempak dgn orang yg aku tak nak terserempak.fuhhh.! :)
better stop now.
nk dekat kul 2 dah lagi setengah jam la.lambat nyerrrrrr...
p/s: thank you min.thank you sgt2. :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Underneath the moon,
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
But if I should break,
If I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take,
A little of the weight
Or I'll fall through
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Take a little time,
Walk a little line
Got the balance right
Give a little love,
Gimme just enough
So that I can hang on tight
We will be alright,
I'll be by your side
I wont let you down
But I gotta know,
No matter how things go
That you will be alright
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you all
That I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Underneath the moon,
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
Your just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
You'll be the one
That I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you
High above it all
But don't let me fall
Saturday, October 24, 2009
tahulah aku.
Monday, October 5, 2009
lamanye tak singgah rumah ni. :)
its been a hectic months! hehe
banyak benda yg buka mata aku.
banyak juga benda yang buka mata hati aku.
buat aku sedar tentang banyak perkara.
terutama tentang orang2 di sekeliling aku.
siapa yang ada,siapa yang tiada.
siapa yang pernah ada.
siapa yang masih ada.
antara pengajaran yang paling besar dalam hidup.
buat aku kenal siapa kawan dan siapa lawan.
but its ok.
aku akan ok.
dan sedang ok. :)
should be ok.
p/s: ikmal,i had a great time today with u and shah.tq very much for the ride.bila boleh jumpa lagi dan gossip lagi? hehe
Sunday, October 4, 2009
i like it. :)
by Tamara K. McCully
The relationship between two friends
Is more than you can hold in your hands
It feels like it could never break
Or someone could ever take
Then suddenly like the break of dawn
Someone else comes along
Then the relationship bends so much that it breaks apart
And soon it breaks a heart.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
to both of you.
saya cuba untuk tidak berfikir.
tidak berfikir yang bukan2.
tapi klau dah benda di depan mata,
patut saya buat tak tahu saja ke?
peritnya nye hati.
bila kita tak tahu what is actually going on.
tapi saya tahu, perit lagi hati mereka.
ada yang saya buat sesuatu,sehingga mcm ni akhirnya.
dont ask me what it is,for i dont know what it is.
kepada anda, mungkin juga maaf ni yang entah ke berepa kali,yang mungkin juga belum mampu untuk meredakan keadaan.tapi aku ikhlas.sungguh aku ikhlas.
minta maaf kerana melukakan hati anda.
minta maaf kerana menganggu hidup anda with the sms and calls.
i miss both of you terribly.
tapi tak pe la.
i deserve this mungkin.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
terasa nak berlari.
Monday, July 13, 2009
new semester,new goals.
salam everyone.
tomorrow, a new semester will starts.
and as usual, im currently still at home.
esok pagi2 baru nk gerak balik uia.
for those yg kenal aku,they wuld definitely know whats going on.
im having this syndrome called taknak-balik-uia syndrome.
the symptoms are as follow:
1.sepatutnya check in mahallah harini tapi ditunda kepada esok.
2.sepatutnya dah packing barang2 tapi masih belum buat.
3.asyik mengeluh tak nak balik uia.sampaikan mood pun terganggu.
4.belum balik uia dah plan nk balik rumah everyday for first two weeks.hehe
5.once melangkah kaki keluar dari rumah,rasa sebak terus melanda.
6.banyak lagi.tapi nanti akan diberitahu kelak.
so these are the symptoms.maybe ramai akan kata,mcm la dia sorang je homesick.rumah dekat pun nk homesick.i couldnt care less.thats me.mmg mcm ni dari zaman matrik lagi.except symptom no.5 tu baru2 je.
why do i have all this symptoms?
simple.i love staying at home so much.i hate when my sisters are not before my afraid that something would happen and im not happened before.
im also afraid of being in uia because i may not have time to go home because if i go home,then i would reluctant to go back to uia and so i wuld decide not to go home.u get what i mean?
yang ni pun pernah jadi jugak.sampai kan hampir sebulan tak balik rumah.
nk kata pelik pun ya.nk kata mengada2 pun ya.
BUT! regardless of anything, for this new semester,i have few goals that need to be achieved.
1.puasa is planning to buka puasa at home EVERYDAY.if possible la.that means i'll be off-campus during ramadhan.IF POSSIBLE la.
2.try to go home every weekends.and tak nak dah liat balik uia.
3.i wanna improve my result.i made it last semester.i wanna do it better this time around.
4.focus on my more main2.
5.DIET.why this one no 5 eh?hehe.i guess less important kot.NAH! tak la.i`ll try my best. =)
6.NO MORE PONTENG.hehe.this one pun if possible la.klau tak ponteng langsung mcm impossible je kan?it shuld be LESS PONTENG. ngeee.
7.there will be more tapi nanti diupdate lagi.
so whether i can achieve these goals or not,bergantung la.tawakkal is also very important.
despite the abovementioned goals, i also have the things-which-i-need-to-just-disregrad list.
but that one i`ll do later la kay.that list is important that i would not waste my time on unecessary matters.
tawakkal kepada Allah.Usaha pun penting.word for myself.
till we meet again.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
he's married.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
my apology to you.
i have to admit.
ape2 benda yang berasal dari rasa marah dan dendam,
takkan ade penghujung yang baik.
entry yg sebelum ni,penuh dgn amarah.
tanpa beringat,dia juga slalu ade untuk aku.
tanpa beringat,yang aku juga perlukan dia.
despite ape pun yg terjadi.
support each other is what we should do.
mungkin langkah yg aku ambil sebelum ini salah.
terlalu agresif mungkin.and harsh.
mungkin aku terlalu bongkak.membuatkan dirinya terasa begitu kecil.
sedangkan tidak.dia tidak kecil.
there's always 2 sides of story.
bukan semua salah dia.
bukan juga semua salah aku.
saya minta maaf.sepenuh hati.kepada awak.
i wish we could be as close as before.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
should i even dream bout it?

from this to
this.can ah? heee

i couldnt care less.
from tomorrow onwards,im going to do something or anything,so i can be like her.or at least be 10% out of her.hahaha.crazy me?
well,a challenge to myself.seriously.
i need to fix something.
lesson 2: what goes around,comes around.
rindu sama kalian. :(
Friday, June 12, 2009
lessons in life
Thursday, May 7, 2009
surprise yang menjadi.akhirnya.
salam everyone.
lama tak update blog ni kan. :D
but entry kali ni ade story skit.
about a surprise.for a friend.yang selama ni susah nk buat surprise kat dia.
sebabnye surprise untuk dia slalu tak menjadi.
slalu kantoi surprise kat dia.
but this time around, with the help from disya(thank you so much bestie! tanpa kau, surprise ni tak menjadi tau! ;), AKHIRNYA.SURPRISE untuk dia MENJADI.yeay!
siapa la agaknye orang yg di surprise kan? hehe
tak lain tak bukan cik fana kiter ler.
kronologi surprise adalah seperti berikut:
masa minggu final exams
dapat kad jemputan dari fana.
katanye abe pih nk kahwin.
dia suruh datang jgk.
but that time i told her mungkin tak dapat datang.
yerla,jauh tuh.
cuti plak time tuh.
tapi mase tu doubtful lg nk pegi ke tidak.
19th april 2009
final exam dah habis.
aku pun nekad nk beli tiket bus ke kota bharu.
terus pegi kat sani express counter yg kat shah alam tuh beli tiket bus ke kota bharu.
shah alam-pasir mas
departure: 1 may 2009 8.00 mlm
pasir mas-shah alam
departure: 2 may 2009 8.50 mlm
right after beli tiket, terus call disya.
informed her bout the plan.
siap bgtau ni jgn cakap kat sesiapa.
nobody knows la katakan.
and she agreed with the plan.
30th april 2009
went out for dinner with fana,aya,axwa and mint.
i asked fana,' flight mung esok balik kb pukul brapo?'
she said 1 noon.
i told her,kim salam ke umi and ba.
maaf la tak dapat datang.(ececececeh,acting la konon.hiks)
then she replied.'mung ni buke leh cayo.silap2 esok ade kat umah aku'.
but still in the mood of pretending, i said no.
tak leh nk gi.mane nk cari tiket.
she bought it.dia percaye weh!
lega aku.
plan sedang berjalan dengan lancar.
1st may 2009
pukul 7 mlm, ena hantar aku kat stesen bus kt shah alam.
aku nervous.
tak pernah lagi travel sorang2 naik bus.
even kro(boyfren min cum org kelantan cum best fren aku jugak) tak caye yg aku ni bakal menempuhi perjalanan yg memakan masa 10 jam untuk ke pasir mas.
nway, I DID IT DUDE! hehe.
2nd may 2009
pkul 5.45 am, sampai pasir mas.
disya datang amik.
kesian dia.pagi2 dah kena bangun amik aku.
hehe.thank you so much disya.
sampai kat umah disya,aku tido kejap je.
then bangun and breakfast dgn mummy disya,angah disya,and disya's little rascals(anak2 buah dia la..4 of them ;) )
lepas breakfast,siap2 disya ajak pegi rantau panjang.
mula2 pegi umah tailor dia.
then terus ke rantau panjang tempat shopping tuh.
tapi tak shopping pun.
beli sepasang tudung,2 kain.buat emak angkat aku.
balik dari rantau panjang (siyes tempat tuh mmg panas la tapi mmg heaven untuk bershopping), siap2 nk pegi umah fana..
sebelum pegi umah fana,ade la singgah a few places
pegi jumpa along disya.then pegi town kejap.
pastuh pergi murtabak raja.(orang kelantan mesti tau ni.femes dek murtabak dan akok nye)
then ke rumah fana.
aku yg nk wat surprise utk dia pun rasa nervous.
sampai je,agak ramai la jugak.
family fana mmg femes.hehehe.
first family member yg nampak aku is farhan.adik fana.
then umi.
dan kemudian............
wah nepik dia nampak aku.tapi control ayu lg.hehe.
akhirnya!surprise aku berjaya.
dia kata memg tak sangka aku nk datang.
ade instinct tapi dia kata surprise ni kira berjaya jugak la.
yes wanie! u made it!hiks.
then aku pergi menyapa kaum keluarga yang lain.
nk mention satu2 kang entry ni jadi berjela2 plak.(dah berjela dah pun.hee)
lepas makan aku pun jumpa ahli keluarga lain nk minta diri.
yerla msa tuh dah pukul 5.00 ptg.
janji dgn mummy disya nk dinner kt umah.
and so mlm tuh aku pun naik bus pulang ke shah alam.
perjalanan yang panjang.tapi bermakna.
kata 10 jam kan.mcm2 pikir.
tgk ragam org lagi.
so kat sini aku nk make a few credit la.
first of all,definitely to disya.
tq so much bestie!
ko mmg host yg terbaik. :)
tq kt mummy and papa and angah disya jugak.
for letting me stay kt ur house.
to rani,(disya's maid) masakan loh memang kerennn! ;)
and to fana,yes! aku berjaya akhirnya!
wah panjang giler entry aku kali ni.
amik kau!sekali hupdate terus berjela.kira qada' la ni yeh.
meanwhile enjoy the pics taken during my trip to kelantan. ;)
Bisakah yang terhina dicinta?
kebelakangan ini, hati berkata dan bertanya.
mampu kah? bisakah?
tapi masih mencari jawaban.
Daku Terasa Ingin Membawa
Cinta Yang Terlara Ke Titik Mula
Kembali Mencuba Untuk Kali Kedua
Menggilapkan Gerhana Jiwa
Pernah Ku Terasa Ingin Merayu
Pada Kasih Dulu Pulang Padaku
Lupakan Dosaku Putihkan Kelabu
Tenangkan Amarahmu
Bisakah Yang Terpadam Dinyala
Bisakah Yang Terhina Dicinta
Walau Ku Himpunkan Sesalku
Bisakah Terbuka Kalbu
Naluri Meminta Kuungkap Kata
Seindah Bahasa Janjikan Setia
Akan Bersemilah Cinta Dihatinya
Percaya Ku Semula
Bisakah Yang Benci Disayangi
Bisakah Yang Dusta Dimaafi
Walauku Himpunkan Sesalku
Bisakah Terbuka Kalbu
Bila Senduku Berlinang Sayu
Dalam Rindu Ku Tertanya
Bisakah Yang Benci Disayangi
Bisakah Hatiku Difahami
Walauku Himpunkan Sesalku
Bisakah Terbuka Kalbu
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i dreamed a dream
this lady really reminds me of what my mama always taught us.
that you can never judge a book by its cover.
that inner side of a person is so much important than the outside look.
i was called big bird back when i was in my secondary.
since form 1 until form 5.
can u imagine that? hehehe.
people would remember me like this 'oh.which wanie?' 'ala,wanie big bird tuh'.
i was and still a chubby girl in secondary school.but the nickname was given not because of my size but because of my eye lashes like the big bird in sesame street.
thats where i got my nickname.
in fact i was called big bird until now.hee.
when i was in form 1, i complained to my mother that people at school been calling me with names.
and she asked me what kind of name.and so i told her bout the big bird.
and i cried in front of her.i remembered it was dinner time.
and instead of consoling me, she was mad at me for crying over that matter.
she said,'why should u cry? u should held your head up high and tell them that YES.I AM THE BIG BIRD BUT! WITH A BIG BRAIN'.
wow.i was was SO motivated that fact until now.thats what keep me going i guess.
and now,i dont mind people calling me big bird. :D
at least,at some point,though not that good, i am A BIG BIRD WITH A BIG BRAIN.hee.
so, how its related to the video above?
senang je.never let anyone pull you down.
coz u can do it.
my final exam result was out yesterday.cpc paper scares me until i looked at my result yesterday.
i was a bit shocked.and grateful at the same time.
it was not as good as others.but it was the best for me.
despite what i had gone thru last sem,it was all worth it.
i was so happy and yet i was sad.
sad because i could not share this with mama.
sad because i keep on question myself why didnt i performed like this when she was stil alive.
BUT. i know i cant have grateful for what HE has given to us.
sangaat2 bersyukur.
at the same time,i realy hope that i will keep on performing like this for the next sem.even better.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
biasa2 aje
sudah lama saya tidak update blog ku ini.
exam dah lepas.
currently im at home.
busy jadi surirumah.
tapi tak la busy sangat.
not much update.
later la h kay. ;)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
penting diri.
hati yang merintih,
tidak kau tahu.
atau mungkin kau tidak mahu ambil tahu.
penting diri.
Monday, March 16, 2009
January 5
i wrote this on january 5 2009.
its about her. :)
but only now i have the guts to publish it. :)
january 5
the day she left us with a beautiful smile
we knew it was her last goodbye
and so we cried.
but the mourn was never long
as we know we need to move on
'life must go will get used to lost'
some people say
but we miss her even more
every single day.
we love you mama.and always will.
how can they know eh? ;)
oh my oh my!
i did a test.personality quiz actually.
and here is the result.
guess what?!!
almost all are true!
check out my comment on each of it ;)
p/s: aya,its so ture isnt it?
aku amik link dia dari blog mung la ni. hee.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. am i that straight forward?in some matters ya.problem solver?hee.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. so true! i dont believe in good looks.having it is a bonus though.but still,good looks doesnt gurantee you anything.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. I AM! I AM! haha.giler desperate statement ni.hee.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. this one is quite true.but i did waste my time for like 7 years with him.hmm.well,its a past.period. ;)
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. hehe.yup.but hard working girl?last minute person i would say. ;)
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. yup.i do need a secure job.i dont have anybody to rely on except for know why. :)
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. there is someone who called me with the name of courage though. :)
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. exactly! im afraid of being alone.i had enough i guess. :)
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. mature? comment on this one. :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
sometimes love just aint enough
i love this song to death. :)
it really shows that sometimes, you just have to let go for better sake.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
hati saya rasa sunyi la.macam mane ye?
whatever ur intrepretation is, these 2 pictures melambangkan perasaan saya sekarang ni.
walau saya dekelilingi dengan ramai orang.banyak kerja.
hati saya sangat sunyi.
sangat2 sunyi.
atas banyak sebab.
rasa tu dah sampai kat anak tekak dah.
rasa nak menjerit jer sekarang ni.
how i wished this feeling would just go away.
its killing me.
but again.
its just something that i have to face it.
whether i like it or not.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
ape saya buat hari ni setakat ini la.
salam and morning everyone (if any) =)..hee
well, started the day quite early today..
pagi2 dah bgn pegi class skill and turned up tade class..haish..
dari buang masa, i decided pegi car wash..keta ku dah tak rupa keta dah..
sambil tunggu, pegi beli newspaper and breakfast..
baca suratkhabar pening kepala skit..too many issues..otak tak ready lagi nak biarkan aje..
habis jer cuci keta, balik uia balik..ingat nak balik bilik..
tapi dah alang2 bangun ni, better buat benda yg berfaedah skit.
contohnye, pegi library. nak bagitau la yang aku ni kat library sekarang ni.hehe
tunggu rajin la tuh.hee
ingat nk cari sample pleadings, tapi akak kt counter tu kata dia tak sure the existence of such docs.huh?camner tuh?takpelah, i`ll figure out something nanti..
sekarang ni tgh dok fikir nk buat ap hari ni ek?
its saturday.bukan tak nak balik umah, but those who know me,akan tau apa akibatnye klau aku balik umah.
that is, aku akan malas nk balik uia balik.
home sweet home.the most peace bila dah ade kat umah, rasa malas nk balik ke 'dunia' yg agak stress at this moment( yela, dgn keja byk.masaalah sekeliling lagi.hehe).
tak rasa nk mengadu.ntah la susah nk cakap.
hmm..nk buat ape hari ni ek?
Friday, February 13, 2009
saya penat.saya resah.
ok ok ok..
saya akan cuba tenangkan diri.
sangat susah.
susah nyer..
kenapa la susah sangat tadi.
over confident? mungkin jugak.
tak prepare? munking jugak.
penat la cam ni.
mcam mane ek?
oh.saya test civil procedure 1 tadi.
man.the questions were tough.
sakit paler jugak la nak menjawabnye.
dgn masalah2 sampingan lagi.
saya lama tak meluah perasaan kat dalam blog ni.
sebenarnye nk cuba belajar pendam and try to adapt with the situation.
tapi kadang2 tak menjadi.
ntah la.
saya masih mencuba.
dan akan terus mencuba.